Marc Eichenbaum

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Lehrhaus Judaism’s Hidden Road to Character 8 Jun 2023
The article discusses the importance of character development in Jewish education, drawing on the wisdom of rabbinic authorities and research in educational ...
8 Jun 2023
Lehrhaus “For These Things I Weep”: Psychological Readings of Lamentations 4 Aug 2022
The book of Lamentations is a complex text with theological and textual inconsistencies, making it difficult to understand. Scholars have approached it from ...
4 Aug 2022
Lehrhaus Guilt and Shame Cultures in the Thought of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks 28 Feb 2022
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explored the concept of Guilt and Shame cultures in Judaism and contemporary society. Guilt cultures, like Judaism, focus on an individu...
28 Feb 2022