The text humorously debates the inclusion of corn syrup in Passover restrictions due to its connection to bread-making and the Exodus story. The author argue...
"Without Feathers" by Woody Allen (1975) features stories that resemble Saturday Night Live sketches with one-joke concepts like "The Whore of Mensa" that ar...
In James Joyce's "Ulysses," the protagonist Leopold Bloom, a Jew, embodies a modern-day Odysseus on a wandering journey. Bloom's Jewishness is subtly woven i...
Eating Chinese food on Christmas has become a sacred tradition for American Jews, blending cultural influences and asserting Jewish-American identity. This p...
Jewish songwriters have been highly influential in shaping the American Christmas music canon, with hits like "White Christmas" by Irving Berlin and "The Chr...
The author reflects on his time at Tablet Magazine and his journey in learning about Jewish culture while writing for The Scroll. He acknowledges his growth ...
NYT reporter Ben Ehrenreich was detained by Israeli border police while on assignment but has since been released, confirmed by NYT Magazine editor Hugo Lind...
A farming village in central Syria was reportedly shelled by Assad's army, resulting in the deaths of about 200 people. The unrest in Syria has had unexpecte...
In a recent article in Tablet Magazine, various topics were discussed, including a personal story of falling in love with a religious girl, a conversation wi...
Mitt Romney was not planning a fundraiser in Jerusalem on Tisha B'Av, as falsely reported, but will be dining with the Netanyahus after the sacred day ends. ...