Marc Tracy

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Tablet Today Is the Triangle Fire’s 100th Anniversary 25 Mar 2011
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, a significant event that claimed the lives of 146 workers, mostly young Jewish wome...
25 Mar 2011
Tablet The Other League 3 Feb 2011
The article highlights the significant impact of the American Football League (AFL), which despite disappearing over 40 years ago, played a vital role in sha...
3 Feb 2011
Tablet How Many Shofars Does It Take … 7 Oct 2010
The podcast "How Many Shofars Does It Take" humorously explores the possibility of seven shofars destroying the walls of Jericho as described in the Book of ...
7 Oct 2010
Tablet Tel Aviv Goalie Shines on World Stage 18 Jun 2010
The United States' World Cup match against Slovenia ended in a controversial 2-2 draw due to a disputed call by the referee. Jewish player Benny Feilhaber fe...
18 Jun 2010
Tablet Tune in Tomorrow To See Jewish Soccer 17 Jun 2010
The United States soccer team, featuring three Jewish players, is set to play Slovenia, whose defensive strategy resembles the U.S.'s approach. The suggestio...
17 Jun 2010
Tablet Israelis Corner the Vuvuzela Market 16 Jun 2010
Israeli entrepreneurs have found success by capitalizing on the global demand for vuvuzelas, the loud plastic horns used by South African fans during World C...
16 Jun 2010
Tablet U.S.A.! U.S.A.! 11 Jun 2010
Ron Kaplan highlights the presence of three Jewish players, Jonathan Bornstein, Benny Feilhaber, and Jonathan Spector, on the U.S. squad for the 2010 World C...
11 Jun 2010
Tablet Kent State, Forty Years Later 4 May 2010
Forty years after the tragic events at Kent State University on May 4, 1970, where four unarmed students were killed by National Guardsmen during Vietnam War...
4 May 2010
Tablet Meet Your New Jew Hall of Famers 28 Apr 2010
Seven new inductees have been welcomed into the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame, including wrestler Bill Goldberg, Olympic swimmer Jason Lezak, basketbal...
28 Apr 2010
Tablet Remembering the Triangle Fire 25 Mar 2010
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, a tragic event that claimed the lives of 146 garment workers, mostly Jews and Italians, occurred 99 years ago due to locked doo...
25 Mar 2010