Marcel Gascón Barberá

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JTA Volodymyr Zelensky visits Kyiv Jewish school for model Passover seder 18 Apr
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited a Jewish school in Kyiv for a model Passover seder, engaging with students and drawing parallels between the h...
18 Apr
JTA Israeli president adds final letter to wartime Torah for Ukrainian Jews initiated by Zelensky 3 Apr
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Israeli President Isaac Herzog have each added letters to a Torah scroll dedicated to peace for their countries. I...
3 Apr
Forward Many Ukrainian Jews have left over 2 years of war. Many others are still invested in their local communities 18 Mar
As the deadly war in Ukraine continues into its third year, many Ukrainian Jews have faced challenges but also found new ways to strengthen their communities...
18 Mar