Mari Cohen

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Jewish Currents J Street’s Pro-War Stance Prompts Staff Departures - The liberal Zionist lobbying group’s support for Israel’s assault on Gaza has sparked staff dissent and alienated onetime allies. 9 Feb
Staff departures at J Street, a liberal Zionist lobbying group, have been prompted by the organization's support for Israel's assault on Gaza. Several employ...
9 Feb
Jewish Currents “You Cannot Study Israel Without Palestine” - A conversation with the editors of the new academic journal <em>Palestine/Israel Review</em>, which advocates a “relational approach” to studying the region’s intertwined histories. 31 Jan
The article discusses the emergence of a new academic journal called Palestine/Israel Review, which advocates for a relational approach to studying the inter...
31 Jan
Jewish Currents “A Day in the Life of Abed Salama” After October 7th - Nathan Thrall on his new book and the escalating repression of pro-Palestine speech. 19 Dec 2023
Nathan Thrall's new book, "A Day in the Life of Abed Salama," tells the story of a deadly crash in the West Bank that resulted from the architecture of occup...
19 Dec 2023
Jewish Currents Progressive Zionists Choose a Side - In attending the November 14th March for Israel and refusing to call for a ceasefire, many progressive Jewish groups have cast their lot with the Jewish mainstream. 8 Dec 2023
Progressive Jewish groups, including J Street and Truah, attended a March for Israel on November 14th and refused to call for a ceasefire, aligning themselve...
8 Dec 2023
Jewish Currents Crisis at the 92nd Street Y - A recent controversy suggests the post-October 7th political landscape will pose existential challenges for Jewish institutions trying to maintain pro-Israel politics alongside a broad cultural mission. 8 Nov 2023
The recent controversy at the 92nd Street Y highlights the challenges faced by Jewish institutions in maintaining pro-Israel politics alongside a broad cultu...
8 Nov 2023
Jewish Currents Major News Networks Sideline Palestinian Analysts - Leading Palestinian commentators describe canceled appearances and segments pulled from CBS and CNN shows. 19 Oct 2023
Palestinian analysts and commentators have reported being marginalized and sidelined by major news networks, including CBS and CNN. Palestinian American lega...
19 Oct 2023
Jewish Currents After the Hit-and-Run - Can restorative justice offer crash victims like me—and the drivers who harmed us—the healing we need? 28 Sep 2023
The article discusses the possibility of restorative justice offering healing for both crash victims and the drivers who caused harm. The author explores the...
28 Sep 2023
Jewish Currents National Plan Reflects the Debate Over Antisemitism - While generally promising more of the same, the Biden plan signaled in multiple ways that progressive groups have succeeded in making Jewish politics a contested space. 1 Jun 2023
The Biden administration recently released a federal plan to combat antisemitism, which has led to varying responses from Jewish organizations. Progressive g...
1 Jun 2023