Marjorie Perloff

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Tablet Could Roosevelt Have Saved Millions? 22 Jun 2023
The article discusses the controversy surrounding the role of the Roosevelt administration in saving Jewish refugees during the Holocaust. The author argues ...
22 Jun 2023
Tablet The Great Riffer 3 Sep 2020
Jeremy Sigler, known for his insightful and edgy art critiques in Tablet, stands out as both a critic and a poet. While his criticism is marked by humor, sha...
3 Sep 2020
Tablet Auto-da-Fé, Elias Canetti (1935) 17 Sep 2013
"Auto-da-F" by Elias Canetti is a novel depicting the downfall of a sheltered intellectual who marries his cruel and uneducated housekeeper, leading to the d...
17 Sep 2013
Tablet Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein (1953) 17 Sep 2013
Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations," published in 1953, challenges traditional views of language and truth by asserting that words do not si...
17 Sep 2013