Matt Lubin

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Lehrhaus Torat Hesed: My Rabbi, Rav Yehuda Kelemer 7 Feb 2021
The author remembers Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer, who recently passed away, as a shining example of spiritual greatness. Rabbi Kelemer was known for his extreme act...
7 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus Shavuot: Zeman Mattan Torateinu? 6 Jun 2019
The text explores the discrepancy between the holiday of Shavuot and the giving of the Torah at Sinai. While Shavuot is traditionally associated with the giv...
6 Jun 2019
Lehrhaus Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins) 18 Mar 2019
In the text "Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins)" by Matt Lubin, the focus is on the Korban Asham (guilt offering) as described in the...
18 Mar 2019