Matti Friedman

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Tablet Building Israel’s Dust City 10 Aug 2021
Beersheba, Israel's sixth-largest city, is located in the Negev desert and is known as the capital of the region. The city is undergoing development and urba...
10 Aug 2021
Tablet Israel’s Country Music Wizard 8 Jul 2021
Kobi Oz is considered the most influential Israeli musician of the last generation, having popularized the Mizrahi (Eastern) sound in Israeli pop music. His ...
8 Jul 2021
Jewish Review of Books WeShtick 21 Jun 2021
"Billion Dollar Loser" by Reeves Wiedeman is a thorough account of the rise and fall of WeWork and its founder Adam Neumann. The book highlights the extravag...
21 Jun 2021
Tablet Theodor Herzl Is Alive and Well and Living in New York (Los Angeles, Paris, and London, too) 3 Jun 2021
The article discusses the rise of anti-Semitism in Vienna in the late 19th century, focusing on the experiences of Theodor Herzl, a Jewish writer and journal...
3 Jun 2021
Tablet Jerusalem of Glue 11 May 2021
The author discusses the current situation in Jerusalem, highlighting the complexities and nuances that are often overlooked. They express frustration at the...
11 May 2021
Jewish Review of Books Zero-Sum Game 3 Jan 2021
"The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace" by Adi Schwartz and Einat Wilf is a book that challenge...
3 Jan 2021
Jewish Review of Books The Professor and the Con Man 15 Sep 2020
In "The Professor and the Con Man" by Ariel Sabar, the author unravels the story behind the Gospel of Jesus's Wife, a controversial fragment of papyrus that ...
15 Sep 2020
Tablet You’re All Israel Now 27 Jul 2020
The author reflects on the rise of a new religion-like ideology dubbed "woke" that has permeated liberal institutions and mainstream media. This ideology rel...
27 Jul 2020
Jewish Review of Books Israel’s Sea Change 17 Dec 2019
"Zionism's Maritime Revolution" by Kobi Cohen-Hattab discusses the historical significance of Jewish maritime endeavors in the years leading up to Israel's e...
17 Dec 2019
Jewish Review of Books Ritchie’s Boys and the Men from Zion 7 Jan 2018
"Sons and Soldiers" by Bruce Henderson tells the stories of German-Jewish soldiers who escaped the Third Reich to become combat interrogators for the U.S. Ar...
7 Jan 2018