The author drives to their Cape Cod house each May, recalling childhood memories of a dacha in Russia. During a visit in 2019, they are accompanied by a youn...
Styopa and Simon plan a trip to Bluebell Inn in the Catskills, reminiscent of the once-popular Jewish resort area known as the Borscht Belt. Simons first Ame...
In Isaac Babel's short story "Awakening," the narrator describes growing up in Odessa, a city obsessed with creating musical prodigies. Despite his father's ...
"Letters to Vra" by Vladimir Nabokov, translated and edited by Olga Voronina and Brian Boyd, offers a window into the passionate and vulnerable side of Nabok...
Vasily Grossman, a prominent Soviet writer, faced a tumultuous life shaped by Stalinism's repression, personal tragedies, and his dedication to depicting the...