Maya Mirsky

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Forward San Francisco State University president negotiates with tent camp leaders over Israel investments 8 May
The president of San Francisco State University engaged in public negotiations with pro-Palestinian protesters demanding divestment from Israel, addressing t...
8 May
Forward ‘This is not your house’: Anti-Israel protester disrupts Berkeley law dean’s backyard dinner, refuses to leave 10 Apr
At a spring dinner for graduating students hosted by UC Berkeley's law school dean Erwin Chemerinsky and his wife, a pro-Palestinian protester disrupted the ...
10 Apr
Forward UC Berkeley police begin criminal probe of anti-Israel protest that turned violent 29 Feb
UC Berkeley's police department has launched a criminal investigation into a violent protest by anti-Israel demonstrators that led to the cancellation of an ...
29 Feb
Forward Push for cease-fire puts Jewish summer camp on unfamiliar ground 13 Feb
The article discusses a controversy at Camp Tawonga, a Jewish summer camp in California, regarding a letter signed by campers, parents, and staff urging the ...
13 Feb
Forward Push for ceasefire puts Jewish summer camp on unfamiliar ground 13 Feb
Camp Tawonga, a Jewish summer camp in California, is facing controversy and conflicting demands from its community regarding the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. Ov...
13 Feb