Michael Doran

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Tablet Biden’s Italian Strike 20 Jun
The text discusses the allegations made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the Biden administration is withholding arms shipments to Israel, l...
20 Jun
Tablet The Gantz Ultimatum 20 May
Benny Gantz, the leader of Israel's National Unity Party, issued an ultimatum to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, demanding a new war strategy or his resig...
20 May
Tablet The Gates of Gaza 14 May
In the analysis of military strategies and conflicts involving Israel, the text delves into various incidents and strategic shifts. It begins with an assassi...
14 May
Tablet The Israeli-American Plan to Overthrow Netanyahu 25 Jan
In this article, it is discussed how former IDF chief of staff, General Gadi Eisenkot, has been chosen by anti-Netanyahu forces to help overthrow Netanyahu, ...
25 Jan
Tablet The Big Squeeze: An End to the War? 22 Jan
Benjamin Netanyahu's political opponents in Israel are organizing protests to demand the release of hostages through a deal with Hamas. The White House is al...
22 Jan
Tablet The Big Squeeze: An End to the War? 22 Jan
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing pressure from domestic rivals who are demanding the release of hostages through a deal with Hamas. The Wh...
22 Jan
Tablet How Did It Happen, and Who Is Responsible? 11 Jan
The author, Mike Doran, recounts his visit to Israel and describes the strong unity and common fate among Israelis, particularly those in active military ser...
11 Jan
Tablet Israel Update: Episode 5 11 Jan
In Episode 5 of the Israel Update, Mike visits Israel and highlights a strong sense of unity and common fate among Israelis, particularly among those in acti...
11 Jan
Tablet Biden’s Ties That Bind 21 Jun 2023
President Joe Biden has revived discussions with Iran in an attempt to reduce tensions, but there are concerns about his true intentions. Biden's Middle East...
21 Jun 2023
Tablet Biden Is Delivering the Middle East to China 16 Mar 2023
Chinese leader Xi Jinping's brokering of a reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia has shaken the United States' role as the dominant power in the Middl...
16 Mar 2023