The author announces his plan to write a book on Jews and fantasy literature. He discusses the novel "Spinning Silver" by Naomi Novik, which is set in a late...
"Zot ani, Iowa" by Galit Dahan Carlibach is a dark comedy based on her residency at the University of Iowa, taking fictional liberties with her real-life exp...
Israeli science fiction and fantasy novels such as Yoav Blum's "The Unswitchable" and Ofir Touch Gafla's "The Guests" delve into themes of identity and body-...
Bruno Chaouat's book, "Is Theory Good for the Jews?" critically examines how postmodern theorists in Europe and America have often failed to effectively addr...
Jonathan Levi's novel "Septimania" tells the story of Malory, a British organ-tuner who discovers he is a descendant of the Jewish exilarch of Baghdad, Charl...
The modern portrayal of golems in popular culture, such as in the game Pokmon GO, deviates from the traditional Jewish concept of a golem as a magically crea...
The Inklings were a group of Christian writers, including J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, who met in the 1930s to 1950s to share writing, criticism, and conve...
Avraham Halfi, a lesser-known but influential Israeli poet whose works were often sung by Arik Einstein, is the subject of the recent documentary "Chayav mel...
Joann Sfar, a prominent French comic book creator, delves into Jewish themes in his works, notably exploring the challenges of anti-Semitism and Jewish ident...
Frank Herbert's iconic science fiction novel "Dune" presents a futuristic universe where religion is a potent force influenced by Judaism and other faiths, p...