Michah Gottlieb

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Jewish Review of Books Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Attack on Liberal Christian Bigotry and American Slavery 1 Apr 2021
In 1840, amid a theological dispute within Protestantism regarding the relationship between the Old and New Testaments and Judaism and Christianity, Chief Ra...
1 Apr 2021
Jewish Review of Books The Founder of Jewish Studies 16 Jun 2018
Leopold Zunz, considered the founder of Jewish Studies, revolutionized the field by emphasizing historical context and incorporating non-Jewish sources. Desp...
16 Jun 2018
Lehrhaus Orthodox Judaism and the Impossibility of Biblical Criticism 10 Aug 2017
Orthodox Judaism and biblical criticism have a complex relationship. While many biblical critics argue that the Bible is historically inaccurate and composed...
10 Aug 2017
Jewish Review of Books Re-Intoxicated by God 28 Dec 2015
The text explores the journey of talmudic prodigies like Harry Austryn Wolfson who turned to studying Spinoza, focusing on the Ethics and its influence. Wolf...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Are We All Protestants Now? 27 Feb 2013
Leora Batnitzky's book "How Judaism Became a Religion" offers a fresh perspective on the evolution of modern Jewish thought, focusing on the shift towards de...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Sincere Irony 27 Feb 2013
Following the 9/11 attacks, Graydon Carter's statement about the "end of the age of irony" prompted reflection on the clash between fanaticism and intellectu...
27 Feb 2013