"Tradition and Imagination" discusses Johanna Kaplan's recently reissued story collection, emphasizing her scrupulously attentive portraits of postwar Americ...
In her book God, Grades, and Graduation: Religion's Surprising Impact on Academic Success, Ilana M. Horwitz argues that religious teens have an advantage in ...
"A Play for the End of the World" by Jai Chakrabarti is a novel that tells the story of a fictional survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto orphanage who travels to ru...
"The Lost Shtetl" by Max Gross is a quick-witted novel that tells the story of Kreskol, a Jewish village in Poland that has been isolated from the outside wo...
In "Miami Vices" by David Hopen, the novel follows 17-year-old Ari Eden as he navigates the world of a Modern Orthodox Jewish high school in Zion Hills, Flor...
In her book "Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World," journalist Tara Isabella Burton explores the rise of bespoke religious identities in contempo...
"Hidden Heretics: Jewish Doubt in the Digital Age" by Ayala Fader explores the lives of ultra-Orthodox Jewish individuals who publicly observe Jewish law but...
"After Adam: The Books of Moses" by Laurance Wieder offers a unique perspective on the Jewish understanding of God. While many American Jews view God as an i...
After Adam: The Books of Moses by Laurance Wieder is a genre-bending biblical saga that re-centers the personal bond between the Jewish people and their inti...