Hallmark's new Hanukkah movie, "Round and Round," cleverly mocks the formulaic nature of their own holiday movies. The film follows Rachel, a big city girl w...
This article discusses the inappropriate and insensitive ways in which some brands and influencers have exploited the Israel-Hamas war for marketing purposes...
The debate over the authenticity of a letter written by an Israeli hostage to her Hamas captors highlights the ongoing narrative battle and quest for moral s...
Judy Chicago, a feminist artist, has recently acknowledged the importance of her Judaism in her artwork. While Chicago's work has focused on women and femini...
Neturei Karta is a fringe Haredi sect founded in the late 1930s with a strongly anti-Zionist stance. They believe that the establishment of the State of Isra...
The documentary film Israelism, which examines the challenges faced by young American Jews reconciling their connection to Israel with the realities faced by...
Osama bin Laden's infamous "Letter to America," justifying violence against the U.S., has gone viral on TikTok. Many users are reacting to the letter, claimi...
John Hagee is a prominent Christian Zionist pastor and the head of Christians United for Israel, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbies in the US. While he su...
The prevalence of fake images of the Israel-Hamas war on stock image sites is making it difficult to distinguish truth from fiction. AI-generated photorealis...
Shira Hoffer, a Harvard junior studying social studies and religion, has created a hotline for students and people globally to obtain nonpartisan information...