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Mira Fox

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Forward No, the Israel-Hamas war is not a diet plan, or any other marketing gimmick 5 Dec 2023
This article discusses the inappropriate and insensitive ways in which some brands and influencers have exploited the Israel-Hamas war for marketing purposes...
5 Dec 2023
Forward Debate rages over whether a letter from an Israeli hostage to her Hamas captors is a fake. But does it matter? 30 Nov 2023
The debate over the authenticity of a letter written by an Israeli hostage to her Hamas captors highlights the ongoing narrative battle and quest for moral s...
30 Nov 2023
Forward Why did Judy Chicago take so long to acknowledge the importance of her Judaism? 28 Nov 2023
Judy Chicago, a feminist artist, has recently acknowledged the importance of her Judaism in her artwork. While Chicago's work has focused on women and femini...
28 Nov 2023
Forward What is Neturei Karta, the Orthodox group at all the pro-Palestinian protests? 22 Nov 2023
Neturei Karta is a fringe Haredi sect founded in the late 1930s with a strongly anti-Zionist stance. They believe that the establishment of the State of Isra...
22 Nov 2023
Forward Cancel culture comes for a documentary about Jews critical of Israel 17 Nov 2023
The documentary film Israelism, which examines the challenges faced by young American Jews reconciling their connection to Israel with the realities faced by...
17 Nov 2023
Forward Why has Osama bin Laden's antisemitic 'Letter to America' gone viral on TikTok? 16 Nov 2023
Osama bin Laden's infamous "Letter to America," justifying violence against the U.S., has gone viral on TikTok. Many users are reacting to the letter, claimi...
16 Nov 2023
Forward Who is John Hagee, the Christian Zionist pastor who spoke at the March for Israel? 14 Nov 2023
John Hagee is a prominent Christian Zionist pastor and the head of Christians United for Israel, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbies in the US. While he su...
14 Nov 2023
Forward Fake images of the war in Israel and Gaza make it difficult to separate truth from fiction 9 Nov 2023
The prevalence of fake images of the Israel-Hamas war on stock image sites is making it difficult to distinguish truth from fiction. AI-generated photorealis...
9 Nov 2023
Forward The Israel-Hamas debate has gotten fierce — and confusing. So this Harvard junior started a hotline 3 Nov 2023
Shira Hoffer, a Harvard junior studying social studies and religion, has created a hotline for students and people globally to obtain nonpartisan information...
3 Nov 2023
Forward A very untraditional bat mitzvah tallit holds the key to tradition 30 Oct 2023
Artist Mindy Stricke grappled with how to support her daughter, Noa, as she prepared for her bat mitzvah. In creating her art piece called Fringes, Stricke d...
30 Oct 2023