Jesse Jae Hoon, an emerging playwright influenced by socialist ideology, explores the intersection of politics and personal narrative through his work, drawi...
Clairette Atri Mizrahi, a Mexican Syrian Jewish playwright, captures the tension between modern and traditional identity in her work, particularly through he...
Antonia Cruz-Kent, a Jewish Boricua playwright, draws on her family legacy and ancestry in her works, with a focus on themes of loving, mourning, and embraci...
"How to Eat an Orange" is a thought-provoking play by Catherine Filloux that delves into the life of artist-activist Claudia Bernardi and her response to atr...
"How to Eat an Orange" is a thought-provoking play by Catherine Filloux that delves into the story of Argentinean artist-activist Claudia Bernardi. Through a...
Dave Malloy's bold, innovative musical "Three Houses" presented at Signature Theatre explores lockdown-era isolation through a unique interpretation of The T...