In Paul Goldberg's novel "The Dissident," set in 1970s Moscow, a couple falls in love and gets married amidst a backdrop of a groundbreaking human rights org...
Vasily Grossman, a Soviet Jewish author known for his commitment to truth and humanistic ideals, engaged in acts of defiance against the repressive Soviet re...
The discussion centers around the concept of doublethink as manifested in the experiences of Jews in the context of Soviet history. The article touches on th...
"A Dual Inheritance" by Joanna Hershon follows the lives of two Harvard friends, Hugh and Ed, representing contrasts in upbringing and character. The narrati...
Molly Antopol's collection of short stories, "The UnAmericans", explores various characters and their experiences in different historical and cultural contex...
"The Property" by Rutu Modan is a graphic novel that tells the story of a grandmother, Regina, and her granddaughter, Mica, who travel from Israel to Poland ...
Jillian Cantor's novel "Margot" reimagines the life of Margot Frank, imagining what her life might have been if she had survived Bergen-Belsen. The novel por...
"Melisande! What Are Dreams?" by Hillel Halkin tells the story of a love triangle involving the narrator, Hoo, his wife Mellie, and their friend Ricky. The n...
"Daniels Stein, Interpreter" by Ludmila Ulitskaya is a novel based on the life of Daniel Rufeisen, a Jewish man who converted to Catholicism and founded a Je...