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Naomi Ross

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Jewish Action Our Favorite Shavuot Recipes 22 May 2023
This article provides four Shavuot recipes: Easy Summertime Peach and Arugula Salad, Fried Caprese Skewers with Balsamic Reduction, Quesadillas, and Stuffed ...
22 May 2023
Jewish Action A Fresh & Flavorful Pesach 5 Mar 2023
The article discusses the challenges and strategies for cooking delicious and flavorful meals during Pesach. The author emphasizes the importance of using fr...
5 Mar 2023
Jewish Action Warming Foods for the Wintry Soul 7 Dec 2022
In this article, the author discusses the desire for warming and nourishing foods during the cold winter months. They share recipes for triple mushroom, meat...
7 Dec 2022
Jewish Action The Holiday Cooking Marathon 14 Sep 2022
This article provides do-ahead recipes for the Jewish holiday season, specifically for Rosh Hashanah. The recipes include Maple-Glazed Mini Squash, Quick-Pic...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action Top 25 Ideas: Summer Cooking 20 May 2022
This article provides 25 ideas for summer cooking that are quick and don't require much time in the kitchen. The ideas include salad recipes, sandwich and to...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Bolder and Brighter Flavors of Pesach 1 Mar 2022
The author reflects on the traditional Ashkenazi Passover meal being dull in color and flavor compared to other cuisines. To enhance the Pesach menu and crea...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action A Good Fry 11 Nov 2021
This article discusses the joy of frying during the holiday season, particularly the tradition of making latkes. The author shares a recipe for sweet potato ...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Holiday Elegance on a Budget 18 Aug 2021
This article offers tips on how to have an elegant holiday meal on a budget without sacrificing taste or quality. It suggests choosing poultry over red meat ...
18 Aug 2021
Jewish Action Finding Satiety During Sadness 9 Jun 2021
During the Nine Days, when we mourn the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) leading up to Tishah B'Av, refraining from eating meat serves as a re...
9 Jun 2021
Jewish Action A Scalable Seder 18 Feb 2021
As the author reflects on past Seders, they raise questions about what this year's Pesach will look like. They then provide recipes for a scaled-down Seder, ...
18 Feb 2021