Natan Oliff

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Lehrhaus Beyond the Walls of the Synagogue: Prayer as a Virtue 26 Jan 2023
This essay explores the concept of prayer beyond its traditional understanding as a religious act bound to specific times and locations. The author draws on ...
26 Jan 2023
Lehrhaus “Let Truth Spring Up from the Ground”: Truth’s Changing Role Throughout History 10 Jun 2021
The article explores the changing role of truth throughout Jewish history. It begins with a midrash about the creation of Adam, where truth is thrown to the ...
10 Jun 2021
Lehrhaus “Do Not Summarize Me on Wikipedia.” The Thought of Hanan Ben Ari 7 Dec 2020
Israeli singer-songwriter Hanan Ben Ari implores not to be confined or summarized through stereotypes. As a self-described Torah observant Jew, Ben Ari embod...
7 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus Holistic Repentance: Life as a Story 24 Aug 2020
Repentance is a powerful concept in Judaism, but it can be difficult to understand how it brings about change. Two statements from Jewish sages shed light on...
24 Aug 2020
Lehrhaus Finding Meaning in Determinism: How Jewish Thinkers Reconcile the Contradiction between Determinism and Human Purpose 18 May 2020
This article discusses how Jewish thinkers reconcile the tension between determinism and human purpose. It examines the perspective of Rabbi Jacob Lorberbaum...
18 May 2020