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Natan Slifkin

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Rationalist Judaism Zooish Conspiracies III: Agent Bambi 19 May
This text criticizes Irus Braverman's claims about Israel's reintroduction of Mesopotamian fallow deer as an act of violent settler colonialism. Braverman ac...
19 May
Rationalist Judaism Zooish Conspiracies II: The Deer Project 16 May
The text discusses the Deer Project in Israel, focusing on the reintroduction of Mesopotamian fallow deer. The project involved capturing deer in Iran and br...
16 May
Rationalist Judaism Coming to America 15 May
The author announces their upcoming scholar-in-residence position at Agudat Achim in Bradley Beach, NJ, for Shavuot, where they will be unavailable for a sub...
15 May
Rationalist Judaism Worthy of Celebration 13 May
Despite facing current challenges such as ongoing wars, global animosity towards Israel, and hostages still in captivity, the significance of celebrating Yom...
13 May
Rationalist Judaism The Objection to Connection 12 May
The text discusses the lack of concern and gratitude for the IDF among the charedi community in Israel. The author emphasizes the importance of acknowledging...
12 May
Rationalist Judaism Zooish Conspiracies I 9 May
The article discusses the trend in academia to delegitimize Israel as a settler-colonial regime, even extending to unconventional areas like zoology and cons...
9 May
Rationalist Judaism The Core of the Conflict 7 May
The Israel/Palestinian conflict has its core in historical events dating back to the early 20th century, when Jewish refugees sought a homeland in Palestine,...
7 May
Rationalist Judaism The Holocaust and Israel 5 May
The text discusses the relationship between the Holocaust and the creation of Israel, emphasizing that while the Holocaust influenced international support f...
5 May
Rationalist Judaism Challah With Keys? Give Me Bagels With Locks. 3 May
The custom of baking "Shlissel Challah" with a key on the Shabbos after Pesach as a segulah for parnassah (sustenance) is debated for its origins, some linki...
3 May
Rationalist Judaism The Reform of Agudah 2 May
The text criticizes a recent statement by the Moetzes Gedolei Torah of Agudas Yisrael in America, highlighting logical and historical contradictions in their...
2 May