Nathan Lewin

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Tablet Everyone Has the Right to Rest on Their Sabbath 12 Apr
In 1984, a legal case involving the Sabbath rights of employees in Connecticut brought attention to the religious implications of labor laws. A Sunday-observ...
12 Apr
Tablet When Justice Breyer Was Called to the Torah 31 Jan 2022
When Justice Stephen Breyer was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1994, a celebration was held by the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists...
31 Jan 2022
Tablet The Shabbos Goyim 22 Oct 2021
Colin Powell's recent passing brought attention to his experiences as a Shabbos goy in his youth, helping observant Jews with tasks on the Sabbath. Interesti...
22 Oct 2021
Tablet Will the Supreme Court Finally Protect the Right Not to Work on the Sabbath? 26 Feb 2019
The Supreme Court is considering a case involving a Seventh-day Adventist employee whose religious beliefs prevent him from working on Saturdays. The issue o...
26 Feb 2019