Clarence B. Jones, a member of Martin Luther King Jr.'s inner circle, has been a powerful force in the racial equality fight for decades. In his recently rel...
The Fresh & Fit podcast, part of the manosphere, has been demonetized on YouTube and has recently dabbled in antisemitism. The podcasters and influencers in ...
The author reflects on their longtime involvement with AIPAC and their decision to join J Street. They were initially attracted to AIPAC's focus on public af...
As the High Holidays approach, the author reflects on their own smartphone addiction and the impact it has on their relationships. They recognize the allure ...
This op-ed highlights five actions that the Jewish community can take to combat climate change. Firstly, Jewish institutions should prioritize climate change...
A recent fundraising letter from AIPAC, a pro-Israel advocacy group, targeted J Street, a movement of pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans, describ...
The idea of an Israeli-Saudi Arabia normalization deal may seem within reach, but it is unlikely to happen easily. While there have been discussions between ...
This article discusses the possibility of a peace treaty between Israel and Saudi Arabia, brokered by the United States. The author suggests that both Presid...
Yeshiva University is involved in a legal battle with its LGBTQ+ students who want to be recognized as an official university club. The university has repeat...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's approach to public relations and marketing his policy decisions differs from traditional methods. Instead of focu...