Norene Gilletz

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Jewish Action Family-Friendly, Brain Healthy! 12 Sep 2019
In her book "The Brain Boosting Diet," co-authored with Edward Wein, PhD, Norene Gilletz presents family-friendly and brain-healthy recipes perfect for the H...
12 Sep 2019
Jewish Action Chanukah Highlights From Around the World 8 Dec 2017
This text offers a diverse array of Chanukah recipes from culinary experts Joan Nathan and Paula Shoyer, drawing inspiration from Jewish cuisine around the w...
8 Dec 2017
Jewish Action Chanukah Specialties: Delicious Spins on Tradition 28 Nov 2016
This text discusses various Chanukah specialties and modern spins on traditional dishes, highlighting recipes from different Jewish cookbooks. It includes cr...
28 Nov 2016
Jewish Action Chef’s Table – Hearty Vegetarian Dishes to Serve in the Sukkah 20 Sep 2016
For Sukkot this year, when cooler weather calls for heartier meals, consider serving nourishing and meat-free dishes like Lily’s Red Lentil Soup filled with ...
20 Sep 2016
Jewish Action The Chef’s Table: New Twists on Traditional Dishes for Your Chanukah Celebrations 4 Dec 2015
Three diverse and delicious dairy dishes perfect for Chanukah celebrations are highlighted in this piece. The first dish is Individual Mac N Cheese by Kim Ku...
4 Dec 2015
Jewish Action Fabulous Fall Foods to Serve in the Sukkah 27 Aug 2015
Sukkot, a holiday celebrating the harvest, involves meals in temporary shelters, symbolizing the ancestors' desert dwellings. To honor this theme, focus on f...
27 Aug 2015
Jewish Action Chanukah’s Coming: Ta’am to Make the Latkes 1 Dec 2014
The article discusses various recipes for latkes, a traditional Jewish dish commonly enjoyed during Chanukah. The author shares personal memories of making l...
1 Dec 2014
Jewish Action A Dairy Delicious Chanukah/Hannukah 1 Dec 2013
Chanukah festivities traditionally include fried foods like latkes and sufganiyot to commemorate the miracle of the oil lasting for eight days. While dairy d...
1 Dec 2013