Odeya Rosenband

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Forward Is it too soon for an exhibit about the massacre at the Nova Music Festival, or is it just the right time? 22 May
The Nova Music Festival Exhibition serves as a poignant commemoration of the tragic massacre that occurred during the festival in Israel. The exhibit vividly...
22 May
Forward Hip Israeli designers embrace Stars of David after Oct. 7 15 Dec 2023
Since the terror attack on October 7, Israelis and diaspora Jews have begun embracing and reinventing the Star of David as a symbol of pride and identity. Pr...
15 Dec 2023
Forward ‘How can we ever go back to being anything like we were before?’ 13 Dec 2023
In this article, three alumni of the Israeli Bronfman program reflect on their experiences during the ongoing war and its impact on their lives. Tamar Shalem...
13 Dec 2023
Forward Who are the courageous and who are the weak? Viewing the war through the lens of a Hanukkah prayer 13 Dec 2023
The author reflects on the Hanukkah prayer and its implications for understanding the current conflict in Gaza. They question who the courageous and weak are...
13 Dec 2023
Forward 'We need a miracle': Lighting Hanukkah candles with the family of Israeli hostage Uriel Baruch 8 Dec 2023
The article discusses the story of Uriel Baruch, an Israeli hostage in the Gaza Strip, as his family celebrates Hanukkah. The family prays for a miracle and ...
8 Dec 2023
Forward Every soldier has a mother. And each has her own story. 1 Dec 2023
In this article, the author reflects on the experiences of Israeli mothers during the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. The author highlights the story o...
1 Dec 2023
Forward ‘It’s true, there’s still beauty in the world’: Israelis describe their day-to-day since the start of the war 22 Nov 2023
This article shares personal accounts from Israelis describing their day-to-day experiences since the start of the war. One woman talks about cherishing the ...
22 Nov 2023
Forward What Israel should actually be doing inside Gaza's al-Shifa Hospital 17 Nov 2023
The writer calls for Israel to prioritize rescuing and treating the Palestinian patients at Gazas al-Shifa Hospital during military operations. She suggests ...
17 Nov 2023
Forward ‘I have been mourning the loss of innocence’: Young Israelis share how they cope with their new reality 8 Nov 2023
The article features personal accounts from three young Israelis about their experiences during the recent war in Israel. Alma Tsach, a high school student, ...
8 Nov 2023
Forward Vigils, rallies, fundraisers and support groups: How Jewish Americans are responding to Hamas’ attack on Israel 10 Oct 2023
In response to the recent Hamas attack on Israel resulting in casualties and abductions, Jewish Americans are actively participating in various forms of supp...
10 Oct 2023