Ofra Bengio

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Tablet Turkey Finds Israel Useful Again 14 Mar 2022
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent change in rhetoric towards Israel has raised questions about his intentions and the future of Turkey-Israel r...
14 Mar 2022
Tablet Israel’s New Diplomatic Horizon 13 Nov 2018
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's surprise visit to Oman in 2018 marked an important step in Israel's foreign relations strategy. Over its 70-year history, ...
13 Nov 2018
Tablet Kurdistan, the New Israel? 24 Sep 2017
In response to the declaration of a referendum for Kurdish independence in 2017, reactions in the Middle East varied from opposition to support. Some Arab le...
24 Sep 2017
Tablet Do Iranian Clerics Dream of Eliminating Israel? 24 Sep 2015
Ayatollah Khamenei's book "Palestine" published in 2015 reveals his fervent desire to annihilate Israel and replace it with Palestine, citing Islamic princip...
24 Sep 2015
Tablet Meet the Kurds, a Historically Oppressed People Who Will Get Their Own State 14 Aug 2014
The article discusses the Kurdish people's historical oppression, their swift territorial gains in Iraq amidst ISIS advances in 2014, and the potential for a...
14 Aug 2014