Israeli-American filmmaker Joy Sela's documentary, "The Other," explores efforts for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, focusing on personal stories of...
"All Gods Children," directed by Ondi Timoner, documents the five-year journey of Rabbi Rachel Timoner and Reverend Dr. Robert Waterman as they bridge their ...
Adapting the Broadway musical into a film, Wicked explores how propaganda can shape perceptions and foment persecution, drawing poignant parallels to histori...
Drake, embroiled in a high-profile feud with fellow rapper Kendrick Lamar, is now taking legal action against Universal Music Group over allegations of artif...
"Plunderer," a new PBS documentary, delves into the life of Bruno Lohse, an art dealer for Hermann Goering during the Nazi era, who facilitated the looting o...
The chilling parallels between former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's corruption allegations and former U.S. President Donald Trump's conduct for...
Olivia Haynie reflects on Ta-Nehisi Coates' new book, "The Message," which explores the power of narrative in both perpetuating and challenging systemic oppr...
The article critiques Francis Ford Coppola's film 'Megalopolis' for its controversial use of Nazi imagery and symbols, which raise questions about the implic...
Scandar Copti's film "Happy Holidays" offers a profound exploration of autonomy and societal dynamics faced by an upper-class Palestinian family in Haifa. Th...
"No Other Land" is a powerful new documentary chronicling the destruction of Masafer Yatta in the West Bank, a narrative captured by Israeli journalists Yuva...