The article explores the complex history of the eggplant in medieval Spain, particularly its association with Sephardic Jews. The eggplant, originally introd...
Police in Paris are investigating the spray-painting of Stars of David on buildings in the city's 14th arrondissement, the latest in a series of incidents ta...
Barcelona's new mayor, Jaume Collboni, has announced the restoration of the sister cities relationship between Barcelona and Tel Aviv, reversing the previous...
The article discusses the historical significance of coffeehouses in Jewish culture. Beginning in Europe in the 18th century, coffeehouses served as a replac...
This article traces the culinary history and cultural significance of beets in Jewish cuisine. The debate over whether raw or cooked beets are beneficial for...
The history of modern chocolate is intertwined with Jewish contributions. Spaniards, Swiss, and Belgians all played a role in its development, but it was the...
Cilantro, also known as coriander, has deep historical and cultural roots in Jewish cuisine. It was a staple ingredient in medieval Spanish Jewish cooking, s...