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Pat Johnson

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Future of Jewish Weaponizing the Weaponization of Rape 5 Sep
This article discusses the recent events of October 7th and the way sexual violence has been used as a weapon against Israeli women by Hamas fighters during ...
5 Sep
Future of Jewish How the Progressive Left Adopted Oppressive 'Palestine' – A Guide 31 Aug
This guest essay by Pat Johnson critiques the progressive left's alliance with the pro-Palestinian movement, arguing it represents a significant moral failin...
31 Aug
Future of Jewish 'Anti-Zionism' is literally killing millions of people. 22 Aug
In this provocative essay, Pat Johnson argues that anti-Zionism—not Zionism—is the root cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Johnson highlights how ant...
22 Aug
Future of Jewish The (Jewish) Refugees That No One Cares About 19 Aug
The text discusses the little-known story of Jewish refugees who were forced to flee or were expelled from Arab and Muslim-majority countries following the e...
19 Aug
Future of Jewish The Fabulous Failure of Boycotting Israel 11 Aug
The article discusses the failure of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, noting that it has not harmed Israel economically ...
11 Aug
Future of Jewish How Tropes About Jews Do the Grunt Work for Anti-Israel Activists 2 Aug
The text discusses how common stereotypes and biases about Jews play a significant role in anti-Israel activism, often without individuals being consciously ...
2 Aug
Future of Jewish A non-Jew's Perspective on Antisemitism and 'Anti-Zionism' 27 Jul
The text provides a non-Jewish perspective on the relationship between antisemitism and anti-Zionism, emphasizing the importance of allies standing up agains...
27 Jul
Future of Jewish It is time to reject the term 'pro-Palestinian'. 23 Jul
The essay argues for rejecting the term "pro-Palestinian" and instead refers to those who use it as "anti-Israel." The author questions the intensity and irr...
23 Jul
Future of Jewish 'Anti-Zionism' is an existential threat to progressive, liberal values. 19 Jul
The text delves into the intricacies of the relationship between anti-Zionism and antisemitism, highlighting the complexity and nuance of this discussion. It...
19 Jul
Future of Jewish Sadism and Jew-Baiting: The 'Pro-Palestinian' Strategy 15 Jul
The essay delves into the sadistic and Jew-baiting strategies employed by some pro-Palestinian activists, exemplified by Roger Waters' dissemination of false...
15 Jul