Paul Berman

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Tablet The Shadow Election 14 Feb 2020
The article discusses the end of an era in world affairs marked by a decline in the promotion of democratic ideals which were central to post-World War II in...
14 Feb 2020
Tablet Adonis in Jerusalem 22 Jan 2020
Adonis, a prolific poet born in Syria and residing in France, published a poem titled "Jerusalem" that delves into the city's themes, reflecting anger toward...
22 Jan 2020
Tablet Bellow in Jerusalem 21 Jan 2020
"To Jerusalem and Back" by Saul Bellow is a memoir of his time in Israel, reflecting on the city's blend of reality and literary influence, mirroring earlier...
21 Jan 2020
Tablet The Blindspot in Bernie Sanders’ Anti-Semitism Manifesto 25 Nov 2019
In a critique of Bernie Sanders' manifesto on anti-Semitism published in Jewish Currents, the author praises Bernie's acknowledgment of Israel's democratic a...
25 Nov 2019
Tablet Porgy and Bess 5 Nov 2019
The Metropolitan Opera in New York is featuring George Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess" with an all-black cast, a choice stemming from Gershwin's desire to avoid ...
5 Nov 2019
Tablet Virgil and the Homeless Nations 20 Sep 2019
The text delves into reflections on the timeless influence of Virgil's works, particularly the Aeneid and Georgics, on various literary figures and cultures ...
20 Sep 2019
Tablet Elizabeth Warren in Washington Square 17 Sep 2019
Senator Elizabeth Warren delivered a powerful speech at Washington Square, referencing the historic Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire of 1911 to highlight the...
17 Sep 2019
Tablet Was B. Traven Jewish? 30 Aug 2019
The article discusses the longstanding question of whether B. Traven, the enigmatic proletarian writer, was a German Jew named Moritz Rathenau, possibly the ...
30 Aug 2019
Tablet Is the U.S. Constitution Pro-Slavery? 14 Aug 2019
In Sean Wilentz's book "No Property in Man: Slavery and Antislavery at the Nation's Founding," he discusses the role of slavery in the United States Constitu...
14 Aug 2019
Tablet The Ancient Dream of the Jewish Left 11 Jun 2019
The text discusses the historical connection between Jewish immigrants, particularly anarchists, and the labor movement in America during the late 19th and e...
11 Jun 2019