Paul Reitter

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Jewish Review of Books Like an Elevator 16 Sep 2014
Stefan Zweig, a highly-translated and polarizing author in the 1930s, was both envied and criticized by his peers for his success which some saw as a symbol ...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Bambi’s Jewish Roots 25 Nov 2013
Felix Salten, the author of the popular novel "Bambi," had Jewish roots and was involved in the Zionist movement. He was known for his criticism of hiding or...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Dust-to-Dust Song 27 Feb 2013
Nelly Sachs, a Jewish poet who escaped the Third Reich and won the Nobel Prize for Literature, underwent a remarkable transformation in her work post-Holocau...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Misreading Kafka 27 Feb 2013
The text discusses various perspectives on Franz Kafka and his works, challenging common perceptions and myths surrounding the author. It questions the idea ...
27 Feb 2013