Paula Jacobs

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Tablet To Save a Life 4 Apr 2022
This article discusses the importance of organ donation within the Jewish community. It highlights several personal stories of individuals who have either re...
4 Apr 2022
Tablet Beyond Conservative and Reform: The Rise of the Unaffiliated Synagogue 20 Jan 2022
A paradigm shift is occurring in Jewish religious denominations, leading to the rise of unaffiliated synagogues. Factors such as changes in the American reli...
20 Jan 2022
Tablet Ethical Kashrut 30 Nov 2021
The concept of ethical kashrut, or ethical Jewish dietary laws, is gaining traction among Jewish institutions and leaders who advocate for more sustainable f...
30 Nov 2021
Tablet Not Quite Back to Normal 23 Aug 2021
Synagogues across the United States are facing challenges and making adjustments as they plan for in-person High Holiday services amidst the ongoing COVID-19...
23 Aug 2021
Tablet The New Sephardic Generation 1 Jun 2021
A new generation of Sephardic Jews is reclaiming their heritage and working to secure their place within the American Jewish narrative. Sephardic Jews have o...
1 Jun 2021
Tablet Ladino and Yiddish Classes Boom Online 12 Apr 2021
The pandemic has led to a boom in online classes for Ladino and Yiddish language learning. Prior to the pandemic, in-person Yiddish classes were held in majo...
12 Apr 2021
Tablet Hebrew School During—and After—the Pandemic 2 Apr 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Hebrew schools, leading to changes in teaching approaches, smaller classes, and shorter virtual sessions. Ma...
2 Apr 2021
Tablet Caring for Caregivers 15 Mar 2021
The documentary "Caregiver: A Love Story" highlights the challenges faced by family caregivers, using the personal stories of individuals like Rick Tash and ...
15 Mar 2021
Tablet Opening Up About Suicide 2 Feb 2021
Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner has made it his mission to destigmatize mental wellness and suicide in the Jewish community after experiencing the suicide of his b...
2 Feb 2021
Tablet The Other Side of the Pandemic 17 Nov 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental health of young adults, with increased rates of depression and anxiety. The elderly populati...
17 Nov 2020