Peter Beinart

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The Beinart Notebook Congressman Ro Khanna on Biden, Progressives, and the Gaza War 4 Jun
Congressman Ro Khanna, a prominent progressive voice in Democratic foreign policy, represents California's 17th district. He has been vocal in calling for Is...
4 Jun
The Beinart Notebook The Strangeness of US Policy Toward Israel 3 Jun
The text discusses the complex nature of US policy towards Israel in the context of the conflict with Palestine. It highlights the disproportionate power dyn...
3 Jun
The Beinart Notebook Invite your friends to read The Beinart Notebook 2 Jun
The Beinart Notebook is a reader-supported publication that offers readers the opportunity to support the work through subscriptions. Readers are encouraged ...
2 Jun
The Beinart Notebook Jamil Dakwar on the International Court Cases against Israel 29 May
Jamil Dakwar, a human rights lawyer and former senior attorney with Adalah, will be the guest speaker discussing international court cases against Israel. He...
29 May
The Beinart Notebook Why the Biden Administration Didn’t Foresee the Progressive Outrage at its Gaza Policy 27 May
The text discusses why the Biden administration failed to anticipate the strong progressive backlash against its Gaza policy. The author suggests that offici...
27 May
The Beinart Notebook Lily Greenberg Call on Why She Resigned from the Biden Administration 21 May
Lily Greenberg Call, a former Special Assistant at the Department of Interior in the Biden administration, recently resigned in protest of US policy in Gaza,...
21 May
The Beinart Notebook The Campus Protesters Are Winning— and Why That Means Greater Repression to Come 20 May
The text discusses the impact of campus protests, particularly regarding Palestinian rights and Israeli policies, highlighting the influence of the Black Liv...
20 May
The Beinart Notebook Tel Aviv University Professor Yael Sternhell on Repression and Debate in Israel 14 May
Professor Yael Sternhell from Tel Aviv University will discuss repression in Israeli academia, particularly following the arrest of Palestinian legal scholar...
14 May
The Beinart Notebook Israel Can’t Win This War—Palestinians Told Us That From the Beginning 13 May
The discussion involves an analysis by Tel Aviv University History Professor Yael Sternhell on the Israeli academia's repression following the arrest of Pale...
13 May
The Beinart Notebook Columbia’s Rashid Khalidi and UCLA’s David Myers on Protest and Repression on Campus 7 May
Columbia's Rashid Khalidi and UCLA's David Myers will discuss protests and repression on campus, focusing on the crackdown on pro-Palestinian activism. Rashi...
7 May