Following the alleged antisemitic rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl by two teenage boys in a Paris suburb, France has been grappling with a surge of protests...
Shaina Taub, the creator of the Broadway show "Suffs," referenced a Jewish text in her Tony Awards acceptance speech for best book of a musical and best orig...
Israeli-born Dutch politician Gidi Markuszower, known for his hardline anti-immigration views, was initially chosen by far-right leader Geert Wilders as immi...
Jewish U.S. Army Major Harrison Mann recently resigned in protest of U.S. support for Israel's actions in the war against Hamas in Gaza, drawing on his famil...
The German government has agreed to allocate a record $1.5 billion in Holocaust reparations this year, with a focus on increased support for survivors' medic...
Musician Jonny Greenwood is facing criticism for planning to tour with Israeli artist Dudu Tassa amid the Israel-Hamas conflict. Despite calls to cancel, Gre...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed hesitance towards the ceasefire terms proposed by President Joe Biden to end the Israel-Hamas war, st...
Maldives has announced that it will prevent Israeli passport holders from entering the country in protest of Israel's military actions in Gaza. President Moh...
Claudia Sheinbaum has made history by becoming Mexico's first female president and first Jewish leader. While she is not actively engaged in the Jewish commu...
Claudia Sheinbaum, a Jewish liberal candidate from Mexico's left-wing Morena party, is leading the polls for the upcoming presidential election in Mexico, po...