"The Patient," a psychological thriller featuring Steve Carell as the Jewish therapist Dr. Alan Strauss, is highlighted as one of the most authentically Jewi...
"The Rehearsal" is a new HBO show by comedian Nathan Fielder that explores the complexities of reality television and the nature of performance. Fielder, who...
Jordan Peele's film "Nope" is a thought-provoking exploration of how filmmaking affects both its subjects and viewers. The film presents an extraterrestrial ...
Sight & Sound is known for its evangelical biblical productions but faced a unique challenge with Queen Esther as it lacks overt religious content. Despite c...
The article discusses the Jewish legacies of various U.S. presidents, highlighting their interactions with the Jewish community and providing a humorous rati...
Amazon's Jeff Bezos sent 90-year-old actor William Shatner to space on Blue Origin's rocket, capturing the journey in a one-hour corporate propaganda film "S...
"The Plot Against America" by Philip Roth, both the novel and the subsequent HBO miniseries, explores an alternate history where Charles Lindbergh, a sympath...
The article discusses the use of the Yiddish word "Oy" in advertisements for the 10th season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm." It questions the appropriateness of t...