Bob Dylan, the iconic singer-songwriter, recently hinted at a new literary venture by expressing interest in the horror genre. While on tour in Frankfurt, Dy...
The new Apple TV+ series "Before" features an unusual crossover of horror and comedic actors, notably starring Billy Crystal as a widowed child psychologist,...
This piece examines a concerning trend of prominent figures expressing admiration or justification for Adolf Hitler's actions. It begins with a reference to ...
George Harrison, often considered the modest and spiritual Beatle, emerges in a new light in Seth Rogovoy's exploration of his musical contributions. Rogovoy...
Kevin Baker's book, "The New York Game: Baseball and the Rise of a New City," delves into the intertwined history of New York City's rise and the evolution o...
Nikki Schreiber, creator of the "Humans of Judaism" Instagram page, expands her digital storytelling into a new book filled with Jewish narratives from vario...
Lili Rosen's one-woman play, "The Second Circumcision of Lili Rosen," vividly portrays her journey of gender transition and her complex relationship with her...
Rufus Wainwright and Donald Trump are at odds over the use of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah," which Trump played at a campaign rally. Despite Wainwright's crit...
Recent DNA evidence from a Spanish documentary suggests Christopher Columbus may have Sephardic Jewish ancestry, reviving debates about this controversial hi...
Donald Trump is slated to hold a rally at Madison Square Garden, sparking comparisons to the notorious 1939 Nazi German-American Bund rally at the same venue...