Rebecca Erbelding, an archivist at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, discovered a unique photo album in 2006 that showcased Nazi officers enjoying...
PEN America has decided to cancel its annual Literary Award ceremony due to numerous authors withdrawing in protest over the organization's response to the c...
"Cabaret," a musical set in 1930s Berlin at the Kit Kat Club, explores themes of decadence, fascism, and personal choices against the backdrop of the rise of...
In "Brighton Beach Bible," artist Joel Silverstein reimagines the Exodus story within the backdrop of Coney Island and Brighton Beach, drawing parallels betw...
The documentary "All We Carry" follows the journey of a young Honduran family - Magdiel, Mirna, and their children - as they flee violence and seek asylum in...
Beyoncé's new album "Cowboy Carter" features a track titled "Leviis Jeans," paying homage to the iconic American brand founded by Jewish immigrant Levi Strau...
In the final season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," Larry David faces trial for giving water to an elderly Georgian voter, in defiance of a law prohibiting such a...
The British comedy show "Hapless" (previously titled "The Jewish Enquirer") faced controversy when British Airways initially removed it from their in-flight ...
David Adjmi discusses his play "Stereophonic," inspired by 1970s bands like Fleetwood Mac and Led Zeppelin, now moving to Broadway. The play, set in a record...
Zach Zucker, performing as his alter ego Jack Tucker, has gained attention for his unique and physically demanding comedic act, with a distinctive lack of sh...