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Rabbi Ari Z. Zivotofsky

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Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . Rashi Script? 9 Mar
Rashi script, a cursive script used by early printers to distinguish Rashi's commentary from the Biblical text, has no connection to Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki h...
9 Mar
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about… Asarah B’Tevet Falling on Shabbat? 3 Dec 2023
Asarah BTevet, also known as the tenth of Tevet, is a fast day on the Jewish calendar that commemorates the beginning of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem. W...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action What’s The Truth About . . . The “Expiration Date” Of Rabbeinu Gershom’s Ban On Polygamy? 3 Sep 2023
The ban on polygamy, known as the cherem of Rabbeinu Gershom, was enacted in the 11th century and there are various opinions about its expiration date. Some ...
3 Sep 2023
Jewish Action What’s The Truth About…The Kotel Being Judaism’s Holiest Site? 19 Jun 2023
The Kotel, or Western Wall, is not Judaism's holiest site. The holiest site is the location of the Kodesh Hakodashim (the Holy of Holies) on the Temple Mount...
19 Jun 2023
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . a Chatan and Kallah Not Seeing Each Other Before the Wedding? 22 May 2023
The practice of a bride and groom not seeing each other for a full week before their wedding is a widespread Ashkenazic custom with little basis in tradition...
22 May 2023
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about. . . When an Eved Ivri Goes Free? 5 Mar 2023
The misconception that an eved Ivri (Jewish servant) goes free in the shemitah year is incorrect. An eved Ivri works for six full years and goes free at the ...
5 Mar 2023
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . “Walking Four Amot in the Land of Israel”? 14 Sep 2022
The misconception that every four cubits one walks in the Land of Israel is a mitzvah is incorrect. The Gemara praises the Land of Israel and states that wal...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about …“A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey”? 14 Jun 2022
The phrase "a land flowing with milk and honey" in reference to the Land of Israel has often been interpreted as referring to cows' milk and bees' honey. How...
14 Jun 2022
Jewish Action What’s The Truth About . . . David Hamelech Being Unable To Build The Beit Hamikdash? 20 May 2022
King David desired to build the Beit Hamikdash, but God communicated through the prophet Natan that it was not meant for David to build it, but rather for hi...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action What’s the Truth About . . . Chai Nosei et Atzmo? 1 Mar 2022
The halachic principle of "chai nosei et atzmo" states that a living being carries itself, exempting the carrier from certain Biblical prohibitions of carryi...
1 Mar 2022