Rabbi Daniel Cohen

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Forward What will they say about you when you die? 29 May
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on the fragility of life and the importance of living with a sense of urgency and purpose in his personal narrative about a life-...
29 May
Forward I have officiated at hundreds of funerals. Here’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned 28 Apr
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on his experience officiating hundreds of funerals, emphasizing the importance of creating meaningful moments in people's lives. ...
28 Apr
Forward I have officiated at hundreds of funerals. Here’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned 28 Apr
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on the important lesson he has learned from officiating at hundreds of funerals - that people remember moments, not days. He emph...
28 Apr
Forward 'Not fully of this world:' Joe Lieberman's rabbi delivers his eulogy 29 Mar
Rabbi Daniel Cohen delivered a moving eulogy for Senator Joe Lieberman, highlighting his integrity, faith, and kindness both in his public and personal life....
29 Mar