Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter

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Jewish Action Shtadlanim: Rabbi Herschel Schacter (1917-2013) 11 Nov 2021
Rabbi Herschel Schacter, a prominent rabbi and communal leader, was a shtadlan - an advocate for Jewish interests with those in positions of authority. In 19...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action In Memory of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks 18 Feb 2021
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, who passed away in November 2020, was known for his contributions to various contemporary issues such as Jewish identity, anti-Semitism...
18 Feb 2021
Jewish Action Jewish Resilience: Holding Strong in a Time of Crisis 23 Aug 2020
In the face of crisis and tragedy, Jewish resilience is exemplified by historical figures such as Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai and Rabbi Akiva. Rabban Yochanan...
23 Aug 2020