The author reflects on the impact of watching footage of Hamas terrorist attacks, particularly focusing on the heartbreaking story of a father and his two yo...
The article discusses the importance of Refugee Shabbat, an event organized by HIAS, which aims to advocate for compassionate refugee policies. The author, w...
The Shiluv program aims to transform Jewish disability education by shifting attitudes and promoting true inclusion. Traditional disability awareness trainin...
In this op-ed, the author reflects on the need for Jewish philanthropy to support Jewish refugees who have been internally displaced due to the ongoing war i...
Following the events of October 7, Israel educators and engagement professionals are reevaluating the Israel story they tell. Nonprofit organization itrek, w...
This article discusses the importance of building a sustainable and visually appealing website for a Jewish nonprofit organization. The author draws a compar...
The author, a professor of Jewish studies, shares her experience of struggling to find consistent and meaningful ways to engage her young children with Jewis...
The author reflects on the significance of Tu B'Shevat, the New Year for the Trees, which often falls during the summer in the Southern Hemisphere. They expl...
In this article, Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi discusses the importance of Jewish philanthropy in addressing climate change. She emphasizes that Jews have a deep c...
There is currently a critical opportunity for the Jewish community to invest in Jewish education and identity organizations, as there is a newfound demand fo...