Rachel Kohn

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eJewishPhilanthropy Revisiting ‘the Jewish Contract with America’ 29 Mar
The article discusses the historical and unique relationship between Jews and America, highlighting elements of the Jewish Contract with America such as the ...
29 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Revisiting ‘the Jewish Contract with America’ 29 Mar
The text discusses the historical connection between Jews and America through the "Jewish Contract with America," highlighting key aspects such as the absenc...
29 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy In defense of the congregational rabbinate 29 Mar
The article defends the congregational rabbinate amidst a perceived crisis in synagogue engagement in the U.S. It highlights the unique roles and connections...
29 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy In defense of the congregational rabbinate 29 Mar
The article defends the importance of congregational rabbis in Jewish life, highlighting the deep connections and enduring relationships they create with the...
29 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Receiving stories and wrestling with pedagogic tensions post-Oct. 7 28 Mar
Jewish educators post-Oct. 7 grappled with addressing antisemitism, the Israel-Hamas war, and pedagogic dilemmas, leading to the Reform Educators Mission to ...
28 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Combating campus antisemitism: A call for decisive action in America’s universities 28 Mar
In response to the resurgence of antisemitism on American college campuses, Mike Leven, founder of The Jewish Future Promise, emphasizes the urgent need for ...
28 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy American Jewish philanthropists should put their own oxygen masks on first 27 Mar
In a thought-provoking essay, the authors urge American Jewish philanthropists to prioritize their own security and well-being amid rising threats by adoptin...
27 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Purim, Pesach and prosemitism 27 Mar
Amidst the Purim-to-Pesach holiday season, Rabbi Moshe Hauer reflects on the current prevalence of prosemitism and its impact on Jewish identity. Conversing ...
27 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Exploring enrollment in congregational education: Research findings provide insights beyond the numbers 26 Mar
A recent research study by the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland delved into congregational education enrollment trends, finding a national decline of 41%...
26 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Funders supported Israel in crisis. Now we need to help build a better future. 25 Mar
In the aftermath of terrorist attacks in Israel, the Jewish philanthropic community mobilized emergency aid and disaster-relief efforts to support the countr...
25 Mar