Rachel Rosenthal

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Tablet What the Talmud Can Teach Us About Infertility in the Coronavirus Era 21 Apr 2020
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, infertility treatments were disrupted, leaving many feeling alone and uncertain. Drawing parallels from the Talmudic t...
21 Apr 2020
Tablet Talking About Miscarriage 17 Jan 2020
The author reflects on their experiences with miscarriages, particularly their second consecutive miscarriage right before Rosh Hashanah. They discuss the pa...
17 Jan 2020
Tablet A Psalm for Pittsburgh 2 Nov 2018
In the wake of the tragic shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, the power of Psalms (Tehillim) to provide solace and words in times of despai...
2 Nov 2018
Tablet An Elegy for a Beit Midrash 20 Dec 2017
The writer reflects on their profound connection to the study of Talmud at the Drisha Institute, where they first encountered the text and discovered their l...
20 Dec 2017
Tablet Reconciling Political Protest and the Day of Rest in the Era of Trump 23 Jan 2017
This text explores the author's struggle to reconcile their routine for observing Shabbat with their routine for participating in political protests, particu...
23 Jan 2017