Rafael Medoff

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Ami U.S. Cuts Off Weapons to Israel // It’s Not the First Time 15 May
President Biden's recent decision to block some weapons shipments to Israel is not unprecedented, as five of his predecessors had also withheld arms from Isr...
15 May
Ami Is Biden Abandoning Israel? // The White House claims that it supports Israel. But recent events suggest that that’s not so simple. 10 Apr
The text discusses the shifting dynamics in the Biden administration's stance towards Israel, raising questions about whether Biden is abandoning Israel. Ini...
10 Apr
Ami Is Biden Abandoning Israel? // The White House claims that it supports Israel. But recent events suggest that that’s not so simple. 10 Apr
The text discusses the evolving stance of the Biden administration towards Israel, indicating a shift towards more criticism and pressure on Israel, particul...
10 Apr
Ami Israel’s Gaza Strategy // Col. John Spencer’s Remarkable Interview with Prime Minister benjamin Netanyahu 27 Mar
The United Nations Security Council passed a resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, which the US abstained from, causing a rift between the US and Is...
27 Mar
Ami Israel’s Gaza Strategy // Col. John Spencer’s Remarkable Interview with Prime Minister benjamin Netanyahu 27 Mar
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted strongly to the United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, foll...
27 Mar
Ami A Holocaust Hero Under Attack 28 Feb
Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara, known for saving thousands of Jews during the Holocaust, is facing criticism from an Israeli professor who argues that Sug...
28 Feb
JNS Another official disillusioned 14 Sep 2023
Martin Indyk, a former State Department official and ex-ambassador to Israel, expressed his despair and disillusionment over Palestinian Authority chief Mahm...
14 Sep 2023
Jewish Review of Books Zion and Party Politics, 1944 26 Sep 2016
In 1944, American Zionism faced a pivotal moment as support for the cause shifted from a bipartisan stance to becoming a political battleground between Repub...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books Desk Pounding and Jewish Leadership 17 Jun 2015
In the 1940s, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver were key figures in American Zionism. While initially working together, they faced conflicts...
17 Jun 2015