Randi Mazzella

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Tablet Tempting the Evil Eye 25 Jan 2022
In this personal reflection, the author discusses their fear of the "evil eye" or kinehora, a superstition in Jewish culture. They share their hesitancy to s...
25 Jan 2022
Tablet The Joy of Bad Brisket 30 Aug 2021
The author reflects on their childhood dislike for brisket, describing it as unappealing and mushy. As an adult, they strive to be a mom who cooks and create...
30 Aug 2021
Tablet Rediscovering Shabbat 11 May 2020
The author reflects on her family's varied Jewish traditions and how they rediscovered Shabbat during the COVID-19 pandemic. Raised with a mix of Orthodox an...
11 May 2020