A recent federal ruling deemed support for Israel as a First Amendment-protected religious belief for Jewish students at UCLA, amidst campus anti-Zionist pro...
The discussion revolves around the ethical dilemma of choosing between political candidates seen as destroyers. One participant draws parallels to Jewish tex...
Maya Wind discusses the complicity of Israeli academia in Palestinian subjugation and the ongoing occupation. She highlights how Israeli universities have hi...
Raphael Magarik discusses the concept of Shabbat HaGadol as a form of general strike, inspired by Rabbi Joseph di Trani's interpretation. This idea suggests ...
In a discussion about the ending of the book of Esther, the focus is on the distinction between self-defense and massacre in the text. While Esther 9:16 desc...
The article discusses the idea that the story of Hanukkah and the Maccabees is often seen as a fight against assimilation, but a closer reading of the book o...
The author reflects on the multiple perspectives and contradictions surrounding the holiday of Hanukkah. They note that the two books of Maccabees, written i...
The tradition of getting rid of hametz (leavened products) for Passover has its roots in the story of Joseph in the Bible. Joseph accumulates grain and creat...