Raphael Magarik

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Jewish Currents The Complicity of Israeli Academia - Scholar Maya Wind discusses Israeli universities’ longstanding role in Palestinian subjugation. 23 May
Maya Wind discusses the complicity of Israeli academia in Palestinian subjugation and the ongoing occupation. She highlights how Israeli universities have hi...
23 May
Jewschool Rest for Radicals: Shabbat HaGadol as General Strike 19 Apr
Raphael Magarik discusses the concept of Shabbat HaGadol as a form of general strike, inspired by Rabbi Joseph di Trani's interpretation. This idea suggests ...
19 Apr
Jewschool A note on the massacre at the end of the Megillah 6 Mar
In a discussion about the ending of the book of Esther, the focus is on the distinction between self-defense and massacre in the text. While Esther 9:16 desc...
6 Mar
Jewschool “Many do not know / That their enemy is marching at their head”: Thoughts on the Maccabees and Assimilation 12 Dec 2023
The article discusses the idea that the story of Hanukkah and the Maccabees is often seen as a fight against assimilation, but a closer reading of the book o...
12 Dec 2023
Jewschool Hannukah is the Holiday of Dispute 7 Dec 2023
The author reflects on the multiple perspectives and contradictions surrounding the holiday of Hanukkah. They note that the two books of Maccabees, written i...
7 Dec 2023
Jewschool Why Do We Destroy Our Hametz? 30 Mar 2023
The tradition of getting rid of hametz (leavened products) for Passover has its roots in the story of Joseph in the Bible. Joseph accumulates grain and creat...
30 Mar 2023