Rebecca Cypess

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Jewish Review of Books At the Anti-Israel Carnival 19 Mar
The author discusses the dark aspects of anti-Israel protests on university campuses, particularly focusing on Rutgers University, where protesters adopt car...
19 Mar
Lehrhaus “Lu Yehi”: Between Fragility and Hope 24 Jan
The article explores the renewed relevance of the song "Lu Yehi" in the aftermath of an attack in Israel. The song was written by Naomi Shemer during the Yom...
24 Jan
Lehrhaus Reclaiming the Musical Past: Leon Modena and Salamone Rossi in Context 13 Mar 2023
The text discusses the practice of a cappella harmony in synagogue liturgy, a custom that dates back to Rabbi Leon Modena in 1604. Modena faced criticism for...
13 Mar 2023
Lehrhaus Miriam’s Song and the Persistence of Music in Dark Times 30 Jan 2023
The Song at the Sea (Exodus 15) and the role of music within the lives of the Israelites during their enslavement in Egypt is explored. The Torah mentions Mi...
30 Jan 2023