Rebecca Raush

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New Voices Gufim: overheard in the dressing room 28 Mar
The text is a brief mention of an article or piece titled "Gufim: overheard in the dressing room" featured on the New Voices platform. The content or main po...
28 Mar
New Voices Gufim: overheard in the dressing room 28 Mar
The article titled "Gufim: overheard in the dressing room" can be found on the New Voices website.
28 Mar
New Voices Opinion: Demonizing Each Other Hurts Us All 7 Dec 2023
The author, a senior at Rutgers University, reflects on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on college campuses. While acknowledging the distress felt by Jewish...
7 Dec 2023
New Voices Poem in which I am not the sister that kills herself  22 Nov 2023
The poem reflects on themes of family, identity, and guilt in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The speaker contemplates their relationship wi...
22 Nov 2023