The article explores the themes of time travel and history through the lens of two different texts. The first is a translation of a Yiddish-language guideboo...
The article discusses the themes of Jewish migrations and Jewish luck in two movies featured at the New York Jewish Film Festival: the 1939 film "A brivele d...
Irena Klepfisz, a poet-activist and Holocaust survivor, explores the ambiguity between death and survival in her collection of poems, "Her Birth and Later Ye...
The article discusses a little-known made-for-TV Christmas musical called "Mrs. Santa Claus," which aired in 1996. The musical, starring Angela Lansbury, is ...
The author has been selected to receive the Adrienne Cooper Dreaming in Yiddish award for 2022. The award, established in memory of the late vocalist and tea...
A collection of anti-fascist Yiddish children's drawings from the 1930s is currently on display at Columbia University's Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Th...
The Bubbe Awards, similar to the Grammys for Yiddish and Jewish music, is now accepting submissions for original Yiddish songs. Last year's People's Choice f...
The article discusses the role of spiritualism within Jewish communities in different contexts. It includes a story about a sance held by Jacob P. Adler, a p...
The article discusses the emergence of the Yiddish Christmas Eve tradition, known as nitl nakht, as a popular phenomenon on social media in 2021. It explores...
The author explores the significance of candles in various Jewish rituals and traditions. They discuss the origins of blowing out birthday candles, noting it...