Rukhl Schaechter explores a unique cultural artifact—a Yiddish parody of the Hebrew prayer for rain, Tefillat Geshem, sung by the late cantor Mordechai Hersh...
Emphasizing the cultural interplay within Jewish liturgy, Rukhl Schaechter explores a Yiddish parody of the Hebrew prayer for rain, traditionally recited on ...
The Workers Circle has expanded its popular Yiddish learning offerings by introducing courses that meet twice a week, catering to those interested in a more ...
A notable ideological split has emerged within the Yiddishist community following the Hamas attacks on Israel and the subsequent conflict. This divide is par...
The piece explores the growing ideological divide within the Yiddishist community over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, heightened since the Hamas attacks o...
A video by the Yiddish Book Center's Wexler Oral History Project explores how Gella Schweid Fishman's life was impacted when she discovered a Yiddish school ...
Yiddish Shabbos songs are an integral part of the Friday night dinner experience, offering a connection to Jewish traditions. These songs, known as zemirot, ...
An upcoming online conference titled "Yiddish and the Holocaust: New Approaches" seeks to emphasize the importance of incorporating Yiddish language and cult...
Zili Wenkert, an 83-year-old Holocaust survivor in Gedera, Israel, has been deeply distressed since her grandson, Omer Wenkert, was abducted by Hamas in Octo...
The play "The Gospel According to Chaim" is a significant achievement in contemporary Yiddish culture. It tells the true story of Chaim Einspruch, a Galician...